Spare Keys – Hide & Seek

Lets face it, at one point or another most of us have been locked out and needed that spare key we’d hidden outside or had hoped it was returned after the last time. The problem with hiding a key is that most spots we tend to think of are generally the same as...

An Engraving Challenge

A somewhat unique engraving challenge today was presented to Danny in the form of an antique copper fire extinguisher; a solid shining piece of vintage metal. Never one to shy away from a challenge, Danny took to the extinguisher with his best engraving work, with his...

Insurance – The necessary evil!

So you’ve done your homework & sifted through policy after policy, you’ve found the best value for money, surely it’s over right? You might need to check that you’re actually holding up your side of the bargain. To keep your premiums down,...

Plug & Play CCTV

Technology is progressing each & everyday, why not take advantage of this with a self monitored CCTV system? Nothing scares off would be vandals, theives & trespassers more than the fear of being caught on tape. This is where Plug & Play CCTV comes into...
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